Welcome to the new writers collective for womxn, marginalized gendered people and friends.

We give a much needed podium to Belgium-based womxn writers and marginalized gendered (MaGed) wordsmiths, including those with disabilities, a racialized background, or low socioeconomic status. We create dedicated space for their work in Dutch and English. We also highlight international writers who inspire us. We publish content on our website and Instagram page: short stories, columns, journalism, essays, critical texts, poetry, and more.
“We are dedicated to creating a more equitable literary landscape.”
We’re dedicated to creating a more equitable literary landscape and addressing the challenges faced by MaGes and womxn in our society at large. We align ourselves with intersectional feminism and other anti-systemic movements. We strive to inspire other artists, literary and cultural organizations and policy makers. Let’s change the way womxn and MaGes are perceived and read. Language does matter and feminism is alive and kicking.
"Follow us on Instagram. Read the posts on our website. Become a friend. To us, the cause, or both. "
MaGed writers can find mutual support and solidarity within our collective.The members of our collective join forces to collaborate on texts, opinion pieces, or events. We facilitate partnerships between writers and help them support each other in their efforts to push forward. We want to create a true and trusting network. United we are stronger.
"Together we celebrate literature, culture and the arts."
Together we celebrate literature, culture, and the arts. We rediscover MaGed authors who have received too little critical acclaim or who have been forgotten. We honor the womxn and MaGes who are writing today and champion their accomplishments. Futures are plural and extend beyond the binary.
Come to our events, which include debates, speaker engagements, open mics and book reviews. Meet other writers. Meet other readers and thinkers. Go home inspired.